Washington State Department of Labor & Industries, 7273 Linderson Way SW, Tumwater, WA (2024) (2024)

Sign up for the Light Duty Made Easy webinar:L&I’s Early Return to Work (ERTW) program has partnered with Washington Retail Association for a webinar on Thursday, July 25, designed for members of the #retail industry. The presentation spotlights how ERTW consultation can help businesses develop and implement light-duty work and take advantage of incentives and resources at no cost to proactively bring injured workers back to work.Register today with WRA: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xbax30pdTbiaywfxfC4q2Q(Thx Mud Bay!)

Remodeling your home?

Happy homeowners Hire Smart! Get 3 written bids and verify contractors are registered with the state.Visit ProtectMyHome.net & learn how to verify your contractor & check their registration.

The heat is on across the state. Follow the rules to protect outdoor workers from heat illness including mandatory cool-down breaks and offering plenty of water. #BeHeatSmart to beat the heat.

El calor está encendido en todo el estado. Siga las reglas para proteger a los trabajadores al aire libre de las enfermedades causadas por el calor, incluyendo descansos obligatorios para enfriarse y ofreciendo abundante agua. #CuidadoConElCalor para vencer al calor.

El calor está encendido en todo el estado. Siga las reglas para proteger a los trabajadores al aire libre de las enfermedades causadas por el calor, incluyendo descansos obligatorios para enfriarse y ofreciendo abundante agua. #CuidadoConElCalor para vencer al calor. Lni.wa.gov/Calor

The heat is on across the state. Follow the rules to protect outdoor workers from heat illness including mandatory cool-down breaks and offering plenty of water. #BeHeatSmart to beat the heat. Lni.wa.gov/HeatSmart

Employers at warehouse distribution centers with worker quotas have new requirements when it comes to labor and safety protections.Among the requirements, employers must provide a written description of the quota, and ensure the quota allows time for workers to access and use necessary tools or safety equipment, take rest breaks, and use the restroom.Learn what steps employers must take at Lni.wa.gov/WarehouseQuotas.#Warehousing #WarehouseManagement

Hospitals, health care facilities, nurses, & other health care workers: Visit Lni.wa.gov/HLS to learn about worker rights protections & facility responsibilities that take effect July 1.On the site, you'll find:• Policies from L&I with agency guidance on changes to the law restricting mandatory overtime for certain healthcare workers.• Policy on meal & rest break protections as a result of a law passed in 2023 with a quarterly self-report form & guide for hospitals required to report on meal & rest breaks for staff.• A way to sign up for updates.L&I's goal is to support hospitals & protect covered health care workers as required under the new law. We're committed to providing education & technical assistance to ensure compliance.@Wahospitals #Healthcareworkers

Start preparing for Safe + Sound Week, August 12-18. Join us tomorrow for a free webinar at 10 a.m. PST that focuses on enhancing workplace safety through effective communication of risks to front-line workers. Register below. #SafeAndSoundAtWork

Business owners & managers: Our safety & health consultants like Corey & Andrea are here to help you keep your workers safe & save money on your insurance premiums by preventing accidents BEFORE they happen.Check out the free, confidential, consultation process today.Lni.wa.gov/safety-health/preventing-injuries-illnesses/request-consultation#SafetyFirst

Emergencies can happen anywhere, even on the job. Know a workplace hero who jumped into action to save a life in 2023? Nominate them for a lifesaving award by June 30th. #gishab #lifesaverGishab.org/lifesaving-nomination

Enterrado vivo. Sobreviviendo al derrumbe de una zanja

“Mientras la tierra me cubría lentamente… grité, ¡ayuda! Todo está cerrado para mí”. Un trabajador de Stemilt Ag Services LLC le cuenta a L&I cómo era ser enterrado vivo en una zanja. Vea su desgarradora historia sobre nuestro enfoque en la seguridad de las zanjas este mes.

Buried Alive: Surviving a trench collapse

“While the dirt was slowly covering me… I was yelling, help me! And that was it. Everything went dark.” An agricultural worker from Stemilt Ag Services LLC tells L&I what it was like being buried alive in a trench. Watch his harrowing story as we focus on trench safety this month. Also, find out how his employer is being held accountable in the comments.

All L&I offices will be closed on Wednesday, June 19 in observance of #Juneteenth. We will open again as usual Thursday, June 20.

There is #smoke and there is #fire, but it’s what you don’t see from a #wildfire that can be the biggest threat to outdoor workers! #SmokeReady week is the perfect time for employers to prepare for the upcoming wildfire season.Lni.wa.gov/safety-health/safety-topics/topics/wildfire-smoke

Wildfire risk across Washington state has risen as summers grow hotter and drier.Don’t wait until you smell smoke to take action! #smokeready

El riesgo de incendos forestales en todo el estado de Washington ha aumentado a medida que los veranos son más calurosos, secos y largos. No espera a oler el humo para actuar. #cuidatedelhumo

#HeatAwarenessDay: Shade, water, rest, and acclimation. #BeHeatSmart this summer and make sure your workplace is following L&I's rules to keep workers safe from dangerous heat-related illnesses like heat stroke.Visit www.Lni.wa.gov/safety-health/safety-training-materials/workshops-events/beheatsmart for info and resources to help. #SafetyFirst

Celebrating Diversity: It takes many different folds to create beautiful origami--and many different perspectives and talents to create a better L&I. We are united for success through inclusivity. #DiversityMatters #Inclusion #AsianHeritageMonth #AAPIHeritageMonth

Una compañía que extrae asbesto fue multada con casi $800,000 por exponer intencionalmente a los trabajadores y a los dueños de viviendas a condiciones insegurasLni.wa.gov/es/news-events/article/24-09

Washington State Department of Labor & Industries, 7273 Linderson Way SW, Tumwater, WA (2024) (2024)
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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

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Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.