Ndepụta ndị mmeri nke Big Brother nke oge niile 1 ruo 23 (US) (2024)

Big Nwanna echiche kpaliri ọtụtụ ndị na-emepụta ihe n'ụwa ịmepụta ihe ngosi yiri nke ahụ na obodo ha. Big Brother United States of America bụ ewu ewu Ihe ngosi eziokwu CBS nke ruru afọ iri abụọ kemgbe 2000.

Taa, anyị ga-edepụta aha ndị meriri Big Brother United States of America.

Tebulu ọdịnaya

Ndepụta zuru oke nke ndị mmeri Big Brother

Ndepụta ndị mmeri nke Big Brother nke oge niile 1 ruo 23 (US) (1)

Big Brother Season 1 Onye mmeri: Eddie McGee

Ihe ngosi eziokwu izizi ama ama na USA mere na Julaị 5th, 2000. Ihe ngosi ruru nkeji iri asaa, na Eddie McGee merie Josh Souza na njedebe nke oge mbụ. McGree meriri S1 na 59% nke ntuli aka ọha.

Ndepụta ndị mmeri nke Big Brother nke oge niile 1 ruo 23 (US) (2)

Usoro ịtụ vootu ejibeghị ndị na-emepụta ihe ruo mgbe “Big Brother: Over the Top” na 2016. Eddie rụrụ ọrụ na God's Pocket (2014), ọ bịanyebeghị aka na ihe ngosi telivishọn ma ọ bụ ihe nkiri.

Big Brother Season 2 Onye mmeri: Will Kirby

Ndepụta ndị mmeri nke Big Brother nke oge niile 1 ruo 23 (US) (3)

Ihe ngosi a na-ewu ewu chọrọ oge nke abụọ, ma gbasaa na telivishọn na July 5, 2001. Ihe ngosi ahụ ruru nkeji iri atọ, na onye mmeri nke Big Brother Ọ ga-abụ Kirby meriri S2 site na votu juri ise ruo abụọ. Ga-enweta ohere site na ihe ngosi eziokwu ka ọ bụrụ ndị juri na oge 2013 ruo 2018.

Onye mmeri nke Big Brother Season 3: Lisa Donahue

Ndepụta ndị mmeri nke Big Brother nke oge niile 1 ruo 23 (US) (4)

Oge nke atọ ewepụtara na Julaị 10, 2002 ma mechaa nkeji iri atọ na atọ. Lisa Donahue meriri Danielle Reyes na Septemba 25, 2002, ka ọ bụrụ mmeri nke oge atọ. Ndị juri ahụ mere ntuli aka itoolu na otu, wee mee Lisa onye mmeri nke S3.

Big Brother Season 4 Onye mmeri: Jun Song

Ndepụta ndị mmeri nke Big Brother nke oge niile 1 ruo 23 (US) (5)

S4 ahụ wepụtara na Julaị 8, 2003, na Jun Song ghọrọ onye mmeri oge nke anọ site n'iti Alison Irwin. N'adịghị ka oge ndị ọzọ, enwere mgbagwoju anya nke "X-Factor," ebe ndị enyi mbụ ise na-esonyere ndị ọbịa ụlọ ise. Otú ọ dị, Song meriri n'obi ndị juri, ma ha votu isii na otu.

Onye mmeri nke Big Brother Season 5: Drew Daniel

Oge ise nke Big Brother USA wepụtara na Julaị 6, 2004. Daniel weghaara ego nrite $500,000 n'ụlọ mgbe o ji votu ndị juri anọ ruo atọ merichara Michael "Cowboy" Ellis. Drew Daniel bụ naanị onye nọ n’ụlọ, onye meriri Onye-isi Ezinụlọ ugboro anọ.

Onye mmeri nke Big Brother Season 6: Maggie Ausburn

Oge isii nke Big Brother USA wepụtara na Julaị 7, 2005. Na 2005, Maggie Ausburn ghọrọ akụkụ nke "Summer of Secrets," na onye ọ bụla na-asọmpi nwere onye mmekọ nzuzo. N'ụbọchị 80th, ndị juri mere ntuli aka anọ ruo atọ ma Maggie weghaara ego nrite $500,000 n'ụlọ megide onye na-agba ọsọ Ivette.

Big Brother Season 7 Onye mmeri: Mike "Boogie" Malin

Oge asaa ahụ ewepụtara na Julaị 6, 2006, na CBS. Oge asaa ahụ nwere ndị asọmpi Big Brother gara aga, Mike "Boogie" Malin meriri Erika Landin na ntuli aka isii na otu juri. Ndị na-emepụta ahụ kpebiri ịkpọ ndị niile na-asọ mpi nke Big Brother maka S7, na echiche ahụ emeghị ugboro ugboro.

Onye mmeri nke Big Brother Season 8: Dick Donato

The Big Brother S8 wepụtara na Julaị 5, 2007. “Evel” Dick Donato kwupụtara onye mmeri nke S8 mgbe ndị juri tụchara vootu ise na abụọ. Evel meriri nwa ya nwanyị Daniele Donato na echiche nke oge ahụ bụ ndị iro atọ na-ekere òkè na ngosi ahụ ọnụ. Donato chọpụtara na ọ bu nje HIV na 2011, o mefuru $500,000 na agụmakwụkwọ nwa ya nwanyị, ụgbọ ala na njem Europe.

Onye mmeri nke Big Brother Season 9: Adam Jasinski

Ndị na-emepụta Big Brother kpebiri ịgbasa na February 12, 2008, n'ihi nkwụsị nke ndị edemede. Adam Jasinski meriri onye ibe ya Ryan Quicksall na ọtụtụ ndị juri votu isii na otu. Ndị otu na-ede akwụkwọ tinyere echiche nke njikọ di na nwunye ahụ, na mkpochapụ gụnyere ndị di na nwunye.

Big Brother Season 10 Onye mmeri: Dan Gheesling

Oge Big Brother nke iri wepụtara na Julaị 13, 2008, na onye meriri S10 Dan Gheesling weghaara ego nrite $500,000 n'ụlọ. Na Septemba 16, 2008, Memphis Garrett meriri Gheesling na ntuli aka juri asaa na efu. Enweghị nnukwu mgbagwoju anya na oge, ma ọ bụ "laghachi na isi"ihe ngosi telivishọn.

Big Brother Season 11 Onye mmeri: Jordan Lloyd

S11 kwụsịrị na July 9, 2009, na onye mmeri S11 Lloyd weere $ 500,000 mgbe ọ merisịrị Natalie Martinez na September 15, 2009. Ndị na-emepụta ihe na-emepụta ihe mgbagwoju anya site n'ịkewa ụlọ akwụkwọ sekọndrị anọ dị ka otu ìgwè, na mmasị mmasị mụbara n'etiti ndị na-ege ntị. Mgbe e mesịrị, ọ pụtara na S13 na Jordan ghọrọ akụkụ nke Amazing Race eziokwu show.

Onye mmeri nke Big Brother Season 12: Hayden Moss

S12 malitere na Julaị 8, 2010, wee kwụsị na Septemba 15, 2010, ya na onye mmeri Hayden Moss. Ndị otu mmepụta mara ọkwa na ntụgharị nke oge bụ njikọ aka na Hayden jikọtara aka na Enzo, Matt, na Lane.

Moss nwetara ọkwa ya n'elu wee gaa n'ihu na-emeri aha ya na ntuli aka ndị juri nke 4-3. Mgbe e mesịrị, o nwetara ohere ọzọ isonye na Survivor (2013), na Miss etinyere n'ọkwa nke asaa.

Big Brother Season 13 meriri: Rachel Reilly

S13 malitere na Julaị 7, 2011, onye meriri ihe ngosi ahụ Rachel Reilly hapụrụ Big Nwanna S13 na ego nrite $500,000. O meriri Porsche Briggs site na votu ndị juri anọ ruo atọ wee nweta aha Big Brother season 13 na Septemba 14, 2011. Ihe e gosipụtara pụtara "Dynamic Duos ntụgharị” keere òkè dị ukwuu na ihe ịga nke ọma Rachel na ihe nkiri ahụ.

Big Brother Season 14 Onye mmeri: Ian Terry

Oge Big Brother 14 malitere na Julaị 12, 2012, onye nkuzi Physics bụ Ian weghaara ego nrite $500,000 n'ụlọ. Terry meriri onye mmeri oge gara aga Dan Gheesling jiri votu ndị juri isii na otu na Septemba 19, 2012.

Ndị na-emepụta ihe ahụ kpebiri ịgbakwunye ndị egwuregwu anọ mbụ na otu n'ime ha rutere na njedebe. Ugbu a, Terry na-arụ ọrụ dị ka onye nkuzi na YES Prep Public Schools.

Big Brother Season 15 Onye mmeri: Andy Herren

S15 malitere na June 26, 2013, na onye mmeri Andy meriri ihe nrite $ 500,000 na votu nke 7-2 na Septemba 18, 2013. Herren bụ onye asọmpi nwoke na nwanyị mbụ na onye mmeri nke ihe ngosi eziokwu ruo ụbọchị a.

Big Brother Season 16 Onye mmeri: Derrick Levasseur

S16 malitere na June 25, 2014, wee jiri nkeji iri anọ mechie. Levasseur meriri Cody Calafiore site na votu ndị juri asaa na abụọ. Ntugharị "Big Brother Rewind" mepụtara agha ọhụrụ n'etiti ndị asọmpi na Derrick hapụrụ ihe nkiri ahụ na aha ya.

Big Brother Season 17 Onye mmeri: Steve Moses

Moses meriri oge iri na asaa nke Big Brother na Septemba 23, 2015, ndị asọmpi ahụ nọrọ ụbọchị 90 n'ụlọ. Ntuli aka ndị juri 6-3 mere ya okpueze megide Liz, ndị otu juri bụ Meg, Jackie, Shelli Poole, Becky Burgess, James Huling, na John.

Big Brother Season 18 meriri: Nicole Franzel

Ndepụta ndị mmeri nke Big Brother nke oge niile 1 ruo 23 (US) (6)

Oge iri na asatọ malitere na June 22, 2016, ma ọ kwụsịrị na Septemba 21, 2016, yana nlọghachi anọ. Mgbe ọ nọrọ ụbọchị 99 n'ụlọ, onye mmeri nke S18 Franzel meriri site na votu juri ise ruo anọ. Ọ meriri Paul Abrahamian n'ikpeazụ wee were ego nrite ahụ laa.

Big Brother Season 19 Onye mmeri: Josh Martinez

S19 malitere na June 28, 2017, ọ kwụsịrị na Septemba 20, 2017, ndị asọmpi nọrọ ụbọchị 92 n'ụlọ. Joshua"Josh” Martinez meriri Paul Abrahamian (o sonyekwa na S18) na ntuli aka ndị juri 5-4. Josh bụ onye na-ere ntutu isi sitere na Homestead, Florida wee were ego nrite $500,000.

Onye mmeri nke Big Brother Season 20: Kaycee Clark

Oge 20 malitere na June 27, 2018, ọ kwụsịrị na Septemba 26, 2018, yana Kaycee Noelle Clark dị ka onye mmeri nke oge. Ọ bụ onye egwuregwu bọọlụ na-agba bọọlụ maka San Diego Surge, Clark jiri votu ndị juri 5-4 meriri Tyler Crispen.

Big Brother Season 21 Onye mmeri: Jackson Michie

Jackson Michie meriri Holly Allen na abalị Septemba 25, 2019, jiri ntuli aka ndị juri 6-3. Jackson bụ onye na-emetụta mgbasa ozi ọha ugbu a.

Big Brother Season 22 meriri: Cody Calafiore

N'October 28, 2020 nnukwu nwanne abalị, Cody Calafiore jiri votu ndị juri 9-0 meriri Enzo Palumbo. Onye na-agba ọsọ nke oge 16 na onye mmeri nke oge 22 nwara aka ya n'ime ihe.

Big Brother Season 23 Onye mmeri: Xavier Prather

Onye mmeri Big Brother 23 Xavier Prather bụ onye ọka iwu site na ọrụ na Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dị ka akụkọ ndụ ya si dị na saịtị CBS, onye dị afọ 27 na-enwe mmasị ịkụ basketball na ịnọnyere ezinụlọ ya oge.


The Ihe nkiri TV Big Brother Na mbụ usoro ihe nkiri TV Dutch kpaliri ụwa iji echiche ahụ na obodo ha. Oge ọ bụla ndị na-emepụta ihe na-ekpebi ntụgharị iji dobe ọkwa nke mmasị na ihe ngosi eziokwu na-enye ego nrite $ 500,000.

Nwere ike ịmasị:

  • Ndị mmeri nke Talent nke Britain.
  • Ndị mmeri America nwetara talent.
  • Ndị mmeri a ma ama Big Brother.

Mee ka anyị mara ihe ị chere gbasara echiche Big Brother na ngalaba nkọwa n'okpuru.

Ndepụta ndị mmeri nke Big Brother nke oge niile 1 ruo 23 (US) (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.