Elevate learning with the largest collection of math and science simulations! (2024)

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Elevate learning with the largest collection of math and science simulations!

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Wow-factor classroom moments are powerful for students, but they require a lot of prep work on your end (not to mention lab supplies, funding, and classroom space). But what if interactive and inquiry-based lessons could be possible any day of the school year?

With ExploreLearning Gizmos, students can model observable phenomena, take on the role of STEM professionals, and get hands-on with science and math concepts using inquiry and exploration. Events that might typically take days, weeks, or years to observe can now be experienced in your classroom with 500+ virtual simulations and labs.

What makes Gizmos unique?

Inquiry-based math and science simulations that students crave

Since 1999, students and teachers around the world have been building understanding (and a love of math and science) with Gizmos hands-on simulations and labs.

50 states and 70+ countries

Elevate learning with the largest collection of math and science simulations! (2)

6,811,441+ students

Elevate learning with the largest collection of math and science simulations! (3)

Elevate learning with the largest collection of math and science simulations! (5)

500+ math and science simulations for grades 3-12

Don’t settle for solutions with limited offerings. With an extensive library of Gizmos and STEM Cases, students and teachers can dive deeper into math and science topics through real-life problem-solving. Instead of skimming the surface, in-depth visualization and data analytics tools help students experience phenomena and concepts, capture and compare experiment results, make predictions, and share findings with others.

Gizmos set your classroom up for success

Save you time and energy with extensive pre-made and customizable teacher and student resources
Aligned to your learning standards
Correlate with curriculums and textbooks
Support the three dimensions of the National Research Council's (NRC) Framework for K–12 Science Education: Disciplinary Core Ideas, Crosscutting Concepts, and Science and Engineering Practices.
Go hand-in-hand with the 5E Instructional Model
Help students unlock the power of CER (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning)
Promote Depth of Knowledge levels and conceptual understanding to help students foster strategic and analytical thinking.

Comprehensive subject-area solutions

Elevate learning with the largest collection of math and science simulations! (6)


  • Number and operations
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Measurement
  • Data analysis
  • Probability


  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Life science
  • Earth and space science
  • Forensic science
  • Technology and engineering
  • Science skills
  • Virtual labs

Gizmos build conceptual understanding through interactive and real-life learning

Unlike other tools, Gizmos simulations use a learning approach validated by extensive research as a highly effective way to build conceptual understanding in math and science. In a meta-analysis of over 100 research studies involving 4,000+ experimental/control group comparisons, the following Gizmos instructional techniques were all shown to have a large, positive impact on student achievement:

Elevate learning with the largest collection of math and science simulations! (7)

STEM Cases boost inquiry and investigation

Guest speakers, field trips, hands-on investigations? While great in theory, these nice-to-haves simply can’t happen in the busyness of day-to-day teaching. But with Gizmos STEM Cases, students step into the roles of STEM professionals to investigate real-life problems…all from their laptop or tablet. From helping restore the ecosystem of a national park to investigating crime scenes, STEM Cases allow students to analyze and interpret data, test hypotheses, and communicate their findings while gaining exposure to STEM careers.

As students progress through STEM Case activities, teachers can monitor understanding using real-time data insights and heatmaps based on built-in assessment questions.

Elevate learning with the largest collection of math and science simulations! (8)

Extensive lessons, resources, and professional development

Here at ExploreLearning, we celebrate the fact that no two classrooms are the same. Thanks to comprehensive and customizable teaching resources, Gizmos simulations are easy to implement in any classroom, regardless of a teacher’s experience level or subject matter knowledge.

Our latest recognitions

Gizmos award-winning virtual labs and interactive simulations allow students to manipulate key variables, generate and test hypotheses, and engage in extensive “what-if” experimentation.

Elevate learning with the largest collection of math and science simulations! (9)

2023 Winner:
Best Science Instructional Solution for Grades 9-12
Best STEM Instructional Solution for Grades 9 - 12

2022 Winner:
Best Virtual Lab

Elevate learning with the largest collection of math and science simulations! (10)

2024 District Administration Top EdTech Product

Elevate learning with the largest collection of math and science simulations! (11)

2023 Winner: Best for Secondary Education

2023 Winner: Best For Back to School Secondary

Elevate learning with the largest collection of math and science simulations! (12)

Best "Tried and True" Science Simulation and Curriculum

Experience why Gizmos are the most effective simulations

Are you curious to learn more about how Gizmos can help enhance math and science for your students? Would you like a closer look at the reporting dashboards and built-in assessments? Our team is here to help answer questions and walk through some sample Gizmos in real-time as you consider new edtech tools for your classroom.


Looking for an easy and fun way to bring STEM concepts to life for your students? Get started today with a trial! Activate your account now to experience the power of Gizmos.

Start a Trial


Contact us to learn more about how Gizmos stacks up against the competition. We’d love to connect for a consultation call to chat more about your STEM goals and explore how Gizmos can help.

Get in Touch

Elevate learning with the largest collection of math and science simulations! (2024)


What are math STEMscopes? ›

Combining the coherence, progressions, and rigor of content standards, STEMscopes Math was developed to help students answer the question every math teacher dreads: “Why do we need to know this?” Using the 5E lesson model, real-world connections, and intentional discourse, STEMscopes Math opens students' eyes to math ...

What is gizmo science? ›

Gizmos are virtual math and science simulations that bring powerful new interactive STEM learning experiences to grade 3-12 classrooms.

Is ExploreLearning a cambium learning company? ›

About ExploreLearning

ExploreLearning®, a Cambium Learning Group brand, creates serious fun K-12 learning solutions that help every student have success in math and science.

What is science of learning and its implications to teaching? ›

The Science of Learning summarizes existing cognitive-science research on how students learn, and connects it to practical implications for teaching. The report is a resource for teacher-educators, new teachers, and anyone in the education profession who is interested in how learning takes place.

Is STEMscopes a curriculum? ›

STEMscopes' award-winning curriculum design works together with embedded teacher training to provide both new and veteran educators with the resources and tools needed to prepare students for a lifetime of learning.

How much does STEMscopes cost per student? ›

$10.95/student (Grades 6-8) $14.95/student (Grades 9-12)

Who owns cambium learning? ›

Cambium is owned by Veritas Capital, a leading private equity firm that invests in companies that provide critical technology solutions to government and commercial customers around the world.

What is the world's largest learning company? ›

Largest education companies by market cap
#NameM. Cap
1New Oriental 1EDU$12.71 B
2Pearson 2PSO$8.94 B
3Duolingo 3DUOL$7.47 B
4Bright Horizons 4BFAM$6.98 B
53 more rows

Who is the CEO of cambium learning? ›

Ashley Andersen Zantop | CEO - Cambium Learning Group | Forbes Business Council.

What is the science of learning called? ›

Cognitive psychology – Subdiscipline of psychology. Cognitive science – Interdisciplinary scientific study of cognitive processes. Computer-supported collaborative learning – Pedagogical approach. Education sciences. Educational psychology – Branch of psychology concerned with the scientific study of human learning.

What is interleaving? ›

What is interleaving? To interleave something is to arrange it in alternate layers. Interleaving as a study method means learning more than one subject or skill and switching between them. Compare this to a "blocked practice," where you focus on a single subject for an extended period of time.

What are the problems of teaching and learning science? ›

  • Lets start from some day to day. problems. •Lack of teachers – qualified teachers, and. competent teachers' • Lack of time for teachers to prepare for. experimental work's preparation. • ...
  • Instruments problems..
  • Some more classroom problems.
  • Some more psychological. problems.
  • Lack of Infrastucture. Huge number of. students.

What is STEMscopes about? ›

STEMscopes, in partnership with the National Institute for STEM Education (NISE), provides professional learning services that help educators become increasingly effective in their work with students.

How do students access STEMscopes? ›

To access STEMscopes, please use the unique district URL that is assigned to your organization to log in. If you are a student, ask your teacher for your unique District URL. If you are a district staff member and do not know your unique District URL, you may submit a support request at Contact Us.

What is prodigy math used for? ›

Prodigy harnesses the power of game-based learning

Millions of students use Prodigy to practice curriculum-aligned math skills — all while playing a game they love. We've also built tools for educators and parents to support their students' learning journeys and motivate them.

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Views: 5249

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.